Midlands XC RD1 - Parkwood Springs

Parkwood Spring nr Sheffield was the host of round 1 for the Midlands XC championship, questionable weather treated us on the drive up but thankfully the course remained unscathed and the venue looked fantastic. Mazie headed out for practice and returned in an ecstatic mood, she absolutely loved the course and this is always a good sign. With this being the first round and never moving up classes you never know what to expect, as Mazie headed to start line I could sense some nerves, a quick chat and it got her into the correct frame of mind ready for the starter whistle. As the whistle blew Mazie was like a rocket powering along the start straight and quickly moving into the number 1 position, she pushed hard and had fun during the 20 minute race and pulled a lead over 1 minute at the finish! Mazie took a dominant win, something that I think we all knew she capable of but always comes a shock considering she is two years younger than some of her competitors.

Race Video!

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